Main Image Supporting the Content of Grounding from Within
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August 2021 978-1-7355593-1-5


This book has many themes. It’s a kind of stream of consciousness arising from my inner voice, the one that shows up when I’m grounding from within.It captures the day-to-day possibilities for awareness in what action to take…which is sometimes not doing anything at that moment.

Over the years, I found best practices – my tools – for interpreting all the outside noise around me. We all have the capacity to become aware of the resources within. You can set your intention for a goal, and when you release control of how to get there, the next steps for you to take will appear.

These musings help you choose the appropriate inner tools to overcome challenges and uncover opportunities so you can live an ease-full life.


Let go…

of the needless fear of the unknown. Change is coming whether you like it or not. Evolution and re-birth never stop. Each day we have an opportunity to let the metamorphosis sink in more and more. You don’t have to chase anything, because transition will arrive soon enough. Accept and flow with these developments as much as you can. Then act to align and surround yourself with the shift. As always, the path is for you to experience, and it will move with you if you let it.


If something speaks…

to you, then go be it. You don’t have to seek permission from yourself or outside influences. All you have to do is zero in on and pursue what makes your soul happy. This is not to be confused with your body or mind being happy. It is more a focus on your timeless being, something from your first memories you have wanted or have been drawn to. Realize that no outside influence will fill the void, so understand it’s here and now. You may as well as pursue your muse on whatever level you can. Focus in on ‘the way’, not the objective. That will change as you move along. There are no timetables, limits, or terms. Spend time discovering it.



Main Image Supporting the Content of Moving Beyond
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March 2023 978-1-7355593-3-9


So many things live in the beyond. Things that are unexplainable but eternal. That we sense but may not see. These Moving Beyond musings aim to help us understand and more fully experience the possibilities and opportunities that arise daily.

We all have tools at our disposal – accepting solitude, developing awareness, and playing with our manifestations – which help us move into a state of simply being. A state beyond our minds and bodies into coherence and energy that allow us to adjust to and move through any anxiety and uncertainty of the day to day.

Use these musings to move beyond the labels, definitions, and stories you tell yourself and others. Explore the undefinable so you can access the power we all have to navigate circumstances outside of our control.


New steps…

on the horizon. Settle in and look for the path in stillness. Slowly become aware of what surrounds you. A world that comes to you without an agenda. Opening your mind to possibilities and pathways. No one step greater than the other, just forward progress by the moment. Lean in to the sights and sounds of peaceful resolution. Allow what will happen to happen without judgment or worry. Trust that all is working in your favor, and it will be.


The days . . .

of retreating or numbing ourselves into complacency are over. We must face our truth. With awareness of the moment, we can start listening to this. Opting out is no longer an option. We are all in this together. Separation does not exist. Move into a space where your mind works for your soul’s desire, not against it. Embrace your connection with the environment. Honor the power of your own mind when it comes to resilience and anti-fragility. Take each day as it comes. Take deep breaths and be grateful. Understand your opportunity for expansion. Undertake what lies in front of you. Do what feels best. If something is not flowing, stop and readdress. Pay attention to the wind.


Once you . . .

realize you are free, you can never go back because you have chosen to move into a place in your mind of complete acceptance. Nothing can be imposed on you because you are a witness to the events that are proceeding as they should. Nothing can be taken away from you because there is nothing to hold on to. Give up the idea of being a specific person, because your potential is so much more. You are designed to help from a place of love. All you have to do is take inspired action and be kind. You will have everything you need when you need it.


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